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Common Greenhouse Structures


我们接近早春,开始我们的夏季花园的冲动变得更加普遍.  你可能已经有种子目录开始出现在你的邮箱里,你可能正在勾画你的花园计划.  每年的这个时候,园艺谈话都高度集中在提早开始和延长生长季节,甚至是全年生产.

The hottest topic for the task… greenhouses.  据说第一个可以归功于19世纪一位来自荷兰的法国植物学家.  查尔斯·吕西安·波拿巴建造了一个温室来种植药用热带植物.  从那时起,大学开始用它们来发展植物学.

这个术语被简单地定义为种植植物的建筑,可以进一步定义为它们提供抵御寒冷天气的保护,并且可以控制气候.  这篇文章松散地使用这个词来表示种植植物的建筑.

Today, 它们被专门从事蔬菜的小型和大型商业操作所使用, flowers, trees and shrubs.  温室的美妙之处在于,它们不仅可以由大型农业综合企业获得, but also for the home grower in both rural and urban settings.

一般来说,它们是种植者的宝贵工具,可以延长生长季节.  它们提供了一个更可控的环境,植物不受天气和地理的影响,并且温度可控.

But what type suits your growing needs?  Depending on your location, budget, and what you intend to grow, there are multiple options to choose from.

Below is an overview of different types.  这个列表并不详尽,因为它们可以有许多不同的形状和大小.  我们将回顾今天使用的常见结构,这些结构很容易获得.

High Tunnel

High tunnels represent structures designed to be lighter, mobile, and flexible providing versatile use for all types of growers.  它们也建得足够高,可以容纳拖拉机和舵柄等机械.  高隧道通常用来保护直接种植在地下的作物. traditional greenhouse buildings that plant in raised beds. 

高隧道覆盖物可以完全移除,以便直接暴露在外部或关闭,以最大限度地保护免受天气影响.  这为种植者提供了灵活的选择,以保护作物免受早春霜冻到晚秋的寒冷.

Low Tunnel

低矮的隧道离地面较低,是保护种植作物的临时结构.  Low tunnels can be four feet tall or as low at two feet tall.  Hoops, often constructed of wire or tubing, are either supported by a frame or pushed into the ground.  塑料覆盖物覆盖在顶部,创造了一个保护环境.  塑料可以在白天移除,以允许自然光和暴露,或者可以在凉爽或恶劣天气期间关闭. 

低矮的隧道提供了加热土壤的好处,可以提前种植幼嫩的植物,也可以延长季节,保护植物直到秋天.  Low tunnels provide an effective low cost, temporary and flexible option for many types of growing situations.

Hoop House

环屋经常在家庭园丁和小规模农业经营中看到. They are loosely defined as smaller sized high tunnels.  它们的设计目的是提供与高隧道和传统建筑相同的好处,但本质上更简单.  They come in multiple styles, the most common being an arch of bent tubing that supports the structure.  环屋的建筑计划各不相同,但都包括一个固定弯管的地面框架.  Plastic film then covers the structure.  箍屋可以离地很低,也可以建得足够高,一个普通成年人可以站在里面.

Hoop houses can be very affordable depending on your materials.  One thing to consider is their ability to withstand extreme weather.  环屋难以承受强风,也无法支撑大量的积雪.

这些房屋提供了良好的光线和保护幼嫩的早春,可以保护作物很好地进入秋天.  They are also flexible in design because they can be expanded in length.


Traditional buildings are an outstanding permanent option.  They are “house-like” shaped structures and exceedingly effective.  The frame offers excellent support against wind and heavy snow.  They offer great lighting and are durable.  它们是用塑料(玻璃纤维、聚碳酸酯、聚乙烯薄膜)或玻璃建造的.

传统的温室套件可以由房主购买和安装, or can be purchased and installed by an outside company.  无论你选择哪个温室,你都可以放心,你有很多设计选择.  From siding material to airflow and heating options, you can design the exact structure for your needs.

Since these structures are more permanent in design, 它们可能需要地面准备或地基,并可能需要获得许可证.


温室是专门从事蔬菜生产的大型商业机构所使用的, flowers, trees and shrubs to be sold for commercial consumption.  Crops grown may be sold as retail or wholesale stock.  Large commercial structures can be very large, covering multiple acres.  They are permanent structures made of long-standing glass or plastic.  其中许多可以容纳拖拉机和车辆,有员工区、浴室和办公室.  These buildings are usually off limits to the general public.

小规模商业经营可以使用任何组合或温室结构,可以是临时的或永久性的.  结构的类型取决于他们选择种植的作物、地点、商业计划和目标.  小规模经营可以在农场零售或批发销售他们的作物.  一些小规模的经营使用温室结构来存放出售的产品,并允许顾客在里面购物.

如果你正在考虑投资一个结构来延长你的生长季节, you have many options to choose from.  From low tunnels to permanent greenhouse buildings, 找到合适的结构首先要确定你的需求和种植愿望.  考虑一下地点、方向,以及你是想要暂时的还是更长久的解决方案.  Greenhouse options are available for both rural and urban gardeners.  查看当地的分区条例或社区业主协会或契约, Codes and Restrictions to ensure you choose an allowable design. 

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Picture source: Canva

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