




All lending institutions have the responsibility to complete due diligence in order to be a reliable and consistent source of sound, 足够的, 建设性信用. The degree of their due diligence can vary depending on the size and complexity of the loan along with the lending institution’s history with the borrower and other credit factors. 在某些情况下, a lending decision (approval or denial) can be made after reviewing minimal customer information such as income verification and credit report. 在其他情况下, 需要进行更彻底的分析, which can include requesting historical income statements (such as tax returns) and asset verifications (such as bank statements). Whether the lending decision is simple and straightforward or requires additional due diligence, five main areas are typically considered when evaluating a loan request. These “5 C’s of credit” are explained in more detail below.

字符 – addresses the non-financial (management ability) qualities of an applicant.

  • 目前和以前的工作/农场/商业经验
    • Details previous successes and how they were able to achieve those.
    • How will their previous experiences help with their future endeavors?
    • How long has the applicant been in their current line of work?
  • 他们目前农场经营的信息
    • What type and size of operation, what kind of risk mitigating tools do they use, etc.?
    • 历史收益率, 群信息, 生产指标, 效率, 或者经常考虑其他竞争优势.
  • 信用评分/信用报告
    • 如有前科,请详细说明.
    • Discuss their credit score(s) and any factors affecting the score(s).
  • Personal business interests and/or contingent/co-signed liabilities
    • Discuss ownership and/or involvement in legal entities (LLCs, corporations, etc.), what do the entities do, and what is the individual’s role for the entities?
    • Is the applicant(s) co-signed on any of the entity’s debts? How would these additional debts impact the individual’s financial position?

资本 -处理资产(所拥有的), 负债(欠款), equity (the ratio of what is owned relative to what is owed), 流动性(申请人获得现金的能力).

  • An updated personal financial statement (PFS) will be obtained for the applicant(s)
    • The PFS will list out assets owned – typical assets include cash, 股票/债券, 牲畜, 提要/种子供应, 或者其他清单, 汽车, 机械 & 设备,退休账户和房地产.
      • 可以获得资产验证, such as statements for checking and/or retirement accounts and tax assessment cards for 房地产.
    • The PFS will also include details on any debts or liabilities -- this information is typically cross-referenced with their credit reports.
      • 并不是所有的债权人都向征信机构报告, so it is important for sound lending that applicants provide all debt information including those debts that are not reported to the bureaus.
    • If an applicant has ownership in one or more related entities, current financial information may also be obtained for each entity.
      • 所要求的信息可能会有所不同, depending on the ownership level or reliance on income from the entity to service the applicant’s debt obligations.

能力 – addresses income sources and ability to repay debts (debt to income ratio, 偿债覆盖率, 或其他指标).

  • Focus on the scope and scale of primary and secondary sources of repayment (i.e.、农场及/或非农场收入).
  • Discuss other sources of income, such as cash, securities, or other disposable assets.
  • Verification of income typically includes tax returns, W-2s, paystubs, or internal record keeping.
  • Stress testing is often completed to document the applicant’s ability to handle unplanned circumstances or uncontrollable income interruptions.

抵押品 – addresses the value and marketability of assets being pledged to secure the loan and how the lender will be protected from risk.

  • 抵押品的典型类型包括, 但不限于, 房地产, 机械, 设备, 车辆, 和/或牲畜.
  • Real estate collateral requires an independent appraisal to verify its value.
    • Appraisals are completed by a licensed appraiser with expertise in the type of 房地产 being valued.
  • Chattel (movable) collateral includes 机械/设备, 车辆, 牲畜, etc.

条件 – addresses the conditions in which the applicant’s farm/business operates and any related risks for the lender.

  • Is the proposed loan structured appropriately to support the operation’s continued success?
    • Loan purpose, amount, term length, payment frequency, etc.
    • Post-closing servicing such as periodic reporting or follow-up visits may also be included.
  • What are the economic (supply and demand) factors influencing the applicant’s revenue and expenses?
  • Is the operation complying with all applicable regulatory requirements (such as environmental or licensing requirements)?

While all lending institutions consider the above factors, some lenders may place more or less emphasis on certain ones. Be sure to discuss the loan process and any questions with your loan officer. You can use your knowledge of the “5 C’s of credit” to help ensure your next loan application goes smoothly!



